20 June 2008

Day Twenty: Missoula, MT > Yellowstone National Park, WY

It's hard to believe that just yesterday we were on the west coast of Canada, and now we're halfway across the states in Yellowstone National Park. We got to spend the morning in big sky country, kicking it in Montana. Bagels on Broadway is a great way to start the day, and it got even better when I went out to the bus (after killing an hour over coffee) to see the meter maid slapping a yellow ticket on my windshield... only to find out it was a "You've been forgiven" notice from the city of Missoula for out-of-town visitors. I thanked her for the warning, and she said, "Nah, it's too beautiful out today to give tickets, enjoy Missoula." And, so we did.

I got to longboard along the Clark Fork River and checked out what the hip little town had to offer. I came across this sweet indie record shop called Ear Candy and picked up some new vinyl, and then we hit the road.

We got to Yellowstone with six hours of daylight to cruise the park. This place is amazing! I can't even go into the details in a short blog post, so I'll leave it at this... From geysers to grizzlies to bison to hot springs to waterfalls to sunshine to snow-capped mountains... it's insane and I need to go back to spend more time here. We got to Old Faithful just in time to see an eruption at sunset (9:33pm)... totally rad... the whole experience.

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