26 August 2010

(Not all) Rainbows and butterflies...

Well, it seems that the honeymoon phase is over and I am faced with some real challenges of my exchange year in Hungary. While things are still fresh and new and exciting, reality has begun to set in a little more each day and my patience and emotional strength are being tested... Attitude is all I control right now, and even that is difficult to curb in the present. Things aren't always as they seem, and I'm being reminded that not everyone's promises are unconditional and whole. However, a positive attitude can prevail over any adversity or aversions that come my way...

In the end, "All shall be well..." -Julian of Norwich (and Maggie Hugg, Academy for Educational Development)


Al "The Nickname" Vigil said...

You're gonna do FINE. Better than fine, even!
You'll ascend to greatness like a golden rocketship sinks to the bottom of the ocean, because rocketships made of gold can't fly, dummy.
Anyway, Chin Up, Chuck. You're gonna teach the HELL out of those guys.
In other news, check your email.

Stacey said...

Hey! Sounds completely normal to me, I had my meltdown while living in Germany after "reality set in." I have been thinking about you and sending x's and o's your way. Continue to post, it's so exciting to read about your adventures and to see photos, I LOVE living vicariously through you. And, remember, you're not alone even when you are so far away...

Can you email a mailing addy soon? Nothing cures European shock like a package from over the pond, peace phriend.

PaisleyBlue said...

I'm afraid I am giving the wrong impression... I'm not lonely or homesick or going through culture shock; I'm actually adjusting quite easily and love life in Hungary! I was just going through some logistical snags of the exchange that make it difficult. But, even those challenges are part of the adventure... Regardless, I'm happy to be here and still enjoying all things new and different!