03 October 2010

Baby Boom.

I've been thinking about all of the mini humans that my friends have been having lately... these little dudes (and lone little girl, Lennan) have no idea how fortunate they are (some of them aren't even breathing their own air yet)... but I know how lucky they are to have such incredible parents and a tremendous world of support.

Check out these beauts! (as shown) Lennan Giada Scaglione, Aidan James Thomas Corner, Bryce Andrew Zanon, Cavin Daniel Musser, Logan Michael Faucher, and Hudson Lucas Asp. Congratulations to Jade, Colleen, Deona, Allison, Amy, and Shannon for giving birth to healthy happy babies! And, to the Reeds, the Gruenhagens, the Coulsons, and the Connellys... they'll be here before you know it. Enjoy every day of the anticipation...

I just wanted to acknowledge my thoughts and extend my most sincere love to all of the new mamas, new papas, lucky new kiddos, and the parents-to-be! I'm so happy for you and wish you all the best in this incredible new adventure...