Back in Kaposvár, Autumn is upon us... and there is plenty to see and do with the never-ending festivals and new discoveries of my hometown. I just wanted to post a few stray photos from daily life to paint a picture of the Hungarian countryside during harvest season... I start with this tree at Berzsenyi Park, next to my school... and wander amiss from there... Enjoy.

This is the bridge outside of town, on the way to Budapest, just before Lake Balaton. If not for this recent upgrade a couple of years ago (thanks to the EU motorway relief efforts in Hungary), it'd take twice the time to get between my flat and the capital...

Last weekend there was a Gesztenye Fesztivál (Chestnut Festival) in a neighboring village. My friend Petí (Kaposvár native, living in Budapest) was back in town visiting his family and took me to the festival to show me what all the hype was about. Turns out that the Hungarians will find something to celebrate every weekend... this weekend was the party for chestnuts... chestnut soup, chestnut beer, chestnut desserts... roasting them on the open fire... on this wise...

After a few rounds of roasted chestnuts and an autumn chestnut beer, we went to Lake Deseda back in Kaposvár. Deseda is just what I need near my home to taste the wilderness... and I have it! We crossed paths with a few like-minded folks escaping the city for the afternoon... taking advantage of the fresh autumn air and still lake water...

I finally found the local BIO shoppe (health foods and organic goods) after a month and a half of looking... turns out it's right down the street from my school... people just didn't know what I was asking for at first. The people are awfully kind, but don't speak English... so it's always an adventure there. Oh, and most people in Hungary drink their milk from a cardboard carton that sits on a shelf for a while (weeks, months, years even?)... but I found this milk dispenser in town. I bring my own bottle, fill up 1.5 liters, take it home, boil it, and cool it back down before drinking... it may seem weird but it's delicious fresh-local-organic! Great discoveries in the world of healthy choices...

One of my students, Péter Tárkányi, plays bass for a great local band:
Catfood. I had a chance to catch one of their gigs the other night at a rad little Kaposvár dive called the
Angus Music Club. I was totally impressed with their sound... well-rehearsed and all original. They did play one song I recognized... The Beatles'
Hey Bulldog. Of course, this was a pretty wild throwback, sending me into a retrospection of the Mind Caravan days... when we played this tune. Classic. It was great hanging with everyone and seeing Petí shine in the limelight!

I continue to spot Hungarian Vizslas all over the city... It was difficult to handle seeing them at first, but now I feel a sense of comfort when I see the beautiful red dogs... I miss my Luna more than anything, but for now... the company of her distant relatives will have to ease the separation. The one peaking under the fence makes me laugh everyday! He is my neighbor... a big dude and hates my skateboard... he barks like crazy every time I pass him (everyday) and doesn't let up until I'm out of sight... not exactly like my taciturn Luna, but for some reason, consistently amusing.
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