Wow! Today's the day of grand return, the day that Krissie moves to Colourful Colorado, the day that I sleep in a real bed for the second time all month! As I come to the close of another wild adventure, I am thankful that I got to see so many of my favourite people and places, and that I lasted the test of driving while staying awake for (most of) the whole trip...

Once again, as I get back home, I realize that of all the cities I've traveled this summer, there are none I would enjoy more to live in than Denver, Colorado. Luna and I are both so glad to be home (it was hilarious watching her get so excited once we rolled into our hood) and to be able to enjoy a few weeks of Colorado summer now... And, we got back on just the right night... the first Friday of July... a night to celebrate the arts and the tremendous support they receive in Denver!
So, as I compile the stats from the trip, I realize why I may be feeling a little exhausted... Here are the raw totals:
- 6,423 miles*
- 2 countries
- 18 states / provinces
- 3 national parks
- 3 MLB baseball stadiums
- 3 art museums
- 8 Phish shows
- 2 family parties
- 23 unique places to sleep
- 98 prints sold
* - of the 6,423 miles driven, I drove 6,393 of them; Campanella drove 30 miles on the way to White Plains, NY so I could go in the back of the bus and make my pops a Father's Day card...
** - trip expenses (gas money, etc): not important; I'll deal with it later...